2024 Solar Eclipse… Was It Really That Great?

As I mentioned in my previous post, I didn’t know much about total eclipses until a few months ago. Luckily, I joined an adventuring group that chose a perfect spot for viewing the totality, which included great hiking and kayaking.

I initially only signed up because I wanted to kayak the Buffalo River. Kayaking the Buffalo River was not meant to be. Apparently, that river is 3 hours away from our campsite at Greer’s Ferry Dam.  (I’m a city girl, so no, I had never heard about the Buffalo River until recently. Check it out here.. It’s definitely going on my bucket list. I also had never heard of Greer’s Ferry Dam. It was awesome!) More details in a later post.

Anyway, back to the Total Solar Eclipse.

Was it everything it was hyped up to be???

Drum roll, please….

Yes, it fucking was.

Like most beautiful experiences, words ( or pictures) cannot fully express the feeling.

I can explain how it got darker and colder as the event progressed. I mean, it got really cold. The birds stopped chirping and the crickets started singing as it got dark. But seeing the sun completely blocked by the moon… Was fucking crazy. I knew the science behind it, but it still felt celestial and apocalyptic.

It’s a day later, and I’m still trying to process the experience. It felt like I was living in science fiction instead of watching it.

The next full solar eclipse will be in 2026 and can be seen from Greenland, Iceland, and Spain. After that, it’ll be 2028 and can be seen in Australia and a handful of other countries.

I’m not sure if I can leave the country to see another solar eclipse, so I’m super glad I was able to experience this one.

Did you see it? Was it worth the hype? Are you traveling to see the next one?

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